Language and Literacy Resources

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Spelling Demons

One of my spelling demons is questionnaire (or is it questionairre?)

The problem is teaching spelling demons can be sooo boring.

Spelling worksheets are a good way of teaching spelling. Using spelling demons in context is another.

But there are only so many spelling worksheets you can do without boring kids out of their brains. Teaching students to look at the key elements of spelling demons is critical to success.

Scruzzles for Thinkers

Have you used Scruzzles Today?

Have you SCRUZZLED today?

More importantly, why haven't you SCRUZZLED today?

This is one activity that will engage every student of every age.


Scrumbles Activities

The idea is to use all the scrumble tiles. The student will need to reshuffle often looking for word combinations that go together.

This could well be the focus of a lesson itself. You could use this as prerequisite lesson or as a subsequent lesson once you determine the class skills.

Crosswords for Kids

Word Puzzles - Blackline Masters

Crosswords take ages to prepare if you want to personalise and their value is suspect at best. You must create a balance and make crosswords for kids work for YOU and YOUR STUDENTS in your classroom. This article will show you how to do just that with minimum effort.