You don't find a Mapping Australia Lesson in the curriculum very often. It is one of those important, yet seldom taught skills, in the primary and secondary curriculum.
4.2 Rating
4 Reviews
Targeted to
All Educators
3 Easy Modules
Time Commitment
25 Minutes
Mapping Australia is an important skill but it doesn't often appear on any curriculum. The best part about relief teaching is that you have political license on which part of the curriculum you apply.
This Mapping Australia Activity stands alone OR you can follow
Mapping Australia Lesson Sequence.
Lesson suited for upper primary or lower secondary students.
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Join the Relief Teaching Academy for JUST $9, and you'll get Mapping Australia course AND 100+ hours of other Academy online courses for teachers AND tonnes of classroom resources AND access to our exclusive relief teaching online community group.
✨ Reviews ✨
Member since July 2019
This Australian Mapping kit
explained specifics about the borders that I have never seen before.
Member since July 2019
The Australian Mapping Resources is step by step guide to defining the Australian borders supported by an atlas activity to locate towns.
Dani Chandler
Such an informative lesson on mapping Australian borders , I learnt something myself:)
Donnamaria S.
member since Nov 2019
The Mapping Kit is Ok.
With Education QLD since 1973;
A teacher for over 40 years;
32 of those 40 years were as a principal;
Retired from FT work and became a relief teacher because he enjoyed it!
Bob Brandis has taught every class from Prep to Y12, in small country to large city schools throughout Queensland.
He has professionally supported more teachers than he can count through his guidance, resources, advice and professionalism. Hundreds of teachers, both in Australia and overseas, have benefited from Bob's practical and down-to-earth training content and approach.
Bob developed the content of this course to help give relief teachers the best practical information and support. Its contents still remain as practical and relevant today as it was when first created.